Computational Plasma Lab
- Plasma Photonics : A New Era in Plasma Physics
Ultra-intense light has the potential to damage traditional optics. Plasma, however, remains resilient against such damage as it is already a damaged (that is, ionized) material. Furthermore, the plasma is optically dispersive. This characteristics makes plasma an ideal medium for steering ultra-intense lights, a field known as plasma photonics. Leveraging plasma in this way can unlock groundbreaking scientific frontiers, such as recreating conditions of early universe in a laboratory, exploring nonlinear QED, and reproduction of blackhole radiation (Hawking radiation). Our research focuses on plasma-based laser amplification and compression, aimed at developing compact zettawatt-level laser systems.
- Recent Publications and News
- Our research
CPL (Computational Plasma Lab) is a virtual laboratory dedicated to exploring various aspects of plasma physics through theory-aided computer simulations. Our research encompasses;
Plasma-based pulse compression methods aimed at next-generation zettawatt lasers
Generation of THz waves and cosmic radio bursts arising from plasma phenomena
Particle acceleration resulting from laser-plasma interactions
Radiation reaction of an accelerating charge
Advancing the development of electromagnetic particle-in-cell codes and envelope codes to model these complex phenomena
- Contact us
Address : Bd. 108, Office 401-12, Physics Dept. of UNIST, 50 Unist-gil, Ulsan, Korea 44919
TEL : +82-52-217-2976 (Student office), 2912 (Prof’s office)
Email : (Prof. Hur)
We are recruiting highly motivated graduate students!