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[99] I Nam, M Kim, M. H. Cho, D. Jang, M. S. Hur and H. Suk , "Enhancement of electron energies in the laser wakefield acceleration using a density up-ramp capillary gas-cell", Physica Scripta 99.1: 015603 (2023).
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[95] Vieux, G., Cipiccia, S., Welsh, G. H., Yoffe, ... M. S. Hur & D. A. Jaroszynski "The role of transient plasma photonic structures in plasma-based amplifiers", Communications Physics, 6(1), 9. (2023)
[94] MS Hur, M Kumar, HS Song, T Kang "Terahertz emission from a plasma dipole oscillation", Journal of the Korean Physical Society 80 (8), 852, (2022)
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[92] M Kumar, T Kang, HS Song, MS Hur "Particle-in-cell simulations of THz emission from plasma by oblique collision of two-electron beams", Physics of Plasmas 29 (3), 033102, (2022)
[91] DN Gupta, A Jain, VV Kulagin, MS Hur, H Suk "Coherent terahertz radiation generation by a flattened Gaussian laser beam at a plasma–vacuum interface", Applied Physics B 128 (3), 1-9, (2022)
[90] T Kang, A Noble, SR Yoffe, DA Jaroszynski, MS Hur "Radiation reaction and the acceleration-dependent mass increase of a charged sphere undergoing uniform acceleration", Physics Letters A 407, 127445, (2021)
[89] K Gopal, DN Gupta, A Jain, MS Hur, H Suk "Investigation of electron beam parameters in laser wakefield acceleration using skewed laser pulse and external magnetic field", Current Applied Physics 25, 82, (2021)
[88] M. Kumar, T. Kang, S Kylychbekov, H. S. Song, M. S. Hur "Simulation study of phase-matched THz emission from an axially modulated magnetized plasma", Physics of Plasmas 28 (3), 033101, (2021)
[87] O. Ra, K. B. Kwon, L. Casali, H. Guo, Peter C. Stangeby and M. S. Hur "Effects of a shallow SAS divertor on detachment in KSTAR", Nuclear Fusion 61.1 014001 (2020)
[86] S. R. Yoffe , R. Lehe , B. Ersfeld , E. Brunetti , G. Vieux , A. Noble , B. Eliasson , M. S. Hur , J.-L. Vay and D. A. Jaroszynski "Particle-in-cell simulation of plasma-based amplification using a moving window", Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013227 (2020)
[85] S. Kylychbekov, H. S. Song, K. B. Kwon, O. Ra, E. Yoon, M. Chung, K. Yu, S. Yoffe, B. Ersfeld, D. A. Jaroszynski and M. S. Hur "Reconstruction of plasma density profiles by measuring spectra of radiation emitted from oscillating plasma dipoles", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 025018 (2020)
[84] G. Vieux, E. Brunetti, S. Cipiccia, B. Eliasson, B. Ersfeld, JP Farmer, M. S. Hur, N. Lemos, G. H. Welsh, S. M. Wiggins, X. Yang, S. R. Yoffe, J. M. Dias and D. A. Jaroszynski "Towards a high efficiency amplifier based on Raman amplification", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 (1), 014018 (2019)
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[82] T. Kang, Y. K. Kim, M. S. Hur "Unstable longitudinal expansion of plasma foils accelerated by circularly polarized laser pulses in non-transparent regimes", Phys. Plasmas 26 (10), 103104 (2019)
[81] K. Moon, S. Kumar, M. S. Hur and M. Chung "Longitudinal phase space dynamics of witness bunch during the Trojan Horse injection for plasma-based particle accelerators", Phys. Plasmas 26 (7), 073103 (2019)
[80] S Lee, HS Uhm, TY Kang, MS Hur and H Suk "Enhanced betatron radiation by a modulating laser pulse in laser wakefield acceleration", Curr. Appl. Phys. 19 (4), 464-469 (2019)
[79] S. Kumar, J. Lee, M. S. Hur and M. Chung "Generation of an isolated attosecond pulse via current modulation induced by a chirped laser pulse in an x-ray free-electron laser", JOSA B 35 (4), A75-A8 (2018)
[78] T. Kang, K. B. Kwon, M. H. Cho, Y. K. Kim, M. S. Hur, H. K. Park and W. Lee "Envelope-PIC Hybrid Method for the Simulation of Microwave Reflectometry", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (3), 577 (2018)
[77] K. B. Kwon, T. Kang, H. S. Song, Y. K. Kim, B. Ersfeld, D.A. Jaroszynski, and M. S. Hur "High-Energy, Short-Duration Bursts of Coherent Terahertz Radiation from an Embedded Plasma Dipole", Scientific Reports 8,145 (2018)
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