Dohyun Park, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Beam combining by Raman backward scattering with multiple pump lasers", KPS Spring(2024).
J. Lee, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “Theoretical formulation based on numerical PIC simulations for high-efficiency and multi-plasma oscillators”, KPS Spring meeting 2024, Apr. 23 - 26, DCC, Daejeon, Korea.
Manoj Kumar et al. “THz Emission from a Plasma Oscillator Embedded in a Density Gradient Plasma”, Invited Talk in International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC-2024), Seoul, South Korea, from June. 22 to 26, 2024.
Dohyun Park, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Raman backward amplifciation with multiple pump lasers", (iFPC) (2024).
J. Lee, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “Enhancing Conversion Efficiency of Plasma Dipole Oscillators for THz-based Linear Accelerators”, i-FPC 2024, Jun. 24 - 28, Seoul Oylmpic Parktel, Seoul, Korea.
Manoj Kumar et al. "Emission of a narrowband terahertz pulse from a radial plasma oscillator", Oral Talk in APS-Division of Plasma Physics 2024, Atlanta, USA, from Oct. 7 to 11, 2024.
J. Lee, M. Kumar, D. Park, M. S. Hur, “Radiation from Coupled Plasma Oscillators”, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Oct. 7 - 11, Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia USA.
Dohyun Park, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Beam combining laser-induced beam combining via Raman backward scattering", KPS Fall(2024).
J. Lee, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “Numerical Analysis of Double-PDO Coupling in Relation to Plasma Density Perturbation”, KPS Fall meeting 2024, Oct. 22 - 26, YECC, Yeosu, Korea.
J. Lee, D. Park, M. Kumar, M. S. Hur, “THz-driven accelerators : the role of PDO-THz emission sources”, The 7th international school on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology (ISBA24), Nov. 1 - 9, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
M.S. Hur, “Combined Plasma Gratings & Density Gradient for Next-Generation Exawatt Laser Pulse Compression”, Christmas High Power Laser Science Community Meeting, Dec. 18, 2024, Abingdon School, UK. Material
M.S. Hur, “Laser-plasma schemes of narrowband THz emission for THz electron acceleration”, AFAD 2023, Apr. 12 - 14, 2023, Melbourne, Australia
M.S. Hur, “Plasma-based Pulse Compression for Next Generation Ultraintense Lasers”, Invited Talk in the SPIE Opt. & Optoelectronics 2023, Apr. 25 2023.
Dohyun Park, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Simulation study of Raman backscattering amplification in ionizied hydrogen gas", KPS(2023).
J. Lee, H. S. Song, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “Theoretical approach of three-dimensional (3D) plasma dipole oscillation (PDO) for terahertz-driven electron linear acceleration”, KPS Spring meeting 2023, Apr. 19 - 21, DCC, Daejeon, Korea.
M.S. Hur, “Plasma Photonics for Compression of High-power Laser Pulses”, Invited Talk in the 2nd i-FPC, Aug. 21 - 25, 2023
Dohyun Park, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Pulse amplification using Raman backward scattering and strong-coupled Brillouin scattering in plasmas", (iFPC & OS 23) (2023).
Jaeho Lee, Hyung Seon Song, Dohyun Park, Manoj Kumar, Min Sup Hur, "THz-Driven Electron Acceleration by Utilizing PDO-THz Emission ", The 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC & OS 23) (2023).
J. Lee, H. S. Song, D. Park, M. Kumar, M. S. Hur, “THz-driven electron acceleration used with Plasma diopole oscillation”, The 6th international school on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology (ISBA23), Apr. 19 - 21, PAL, Pohang, Korea.
이재호, 송형선, 박도현, Manoj Kumar, 허민섭, "Numerical study of high efficiency PDO-emission sources for THz-driven acceeleration", 2023 KAPRA & KPS/DPP Conference (2023).
PARK Dohyun, SONG Hyung Seon, LEE Jaeho, HUR Min Sup, "Simulation study of Raman backward amplification using ionized hydrogen gas", 한국물리학회 봄학술논문발표회 (2023), 대전컨벤션센터 (DCC).
LEE Jaeho, SONG Hyung Seon, PARK Dohyun, KUMAR Manoj, HUR Min Sup, "Increased Efficiency by Pulse Shaping in PDO-THz Emission", 한국물리학회 봄학술논문발표회 (2023), 대전컨벤션센터 (DCC).
M.S. Hur, “Pulse Compression in a Gradient-Density Plasma for a Compact Exawatt Laser”, APS DPP 2023, Oct. 30, Denver, Colorado, US. Material
M.S. Hur, “Study of Plasma Oscillator as a Radiation Source and Pulse Compression”, AAPPS-DPP 2023, Nov. 15, Nagoya, Japan.
M.S. Hur, “Plasma optics for compression of ultraintense laser pulses”, the 21st International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP), Sep. 8 - 13, 2024, Ghent, Belgium.
J. Lee, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “A theoretical and numerical approach into high-efficiency plasma oscillator for next-generation THz-driven electron linear acceleration”, KPS Fall meeting 2023, Oct. 24 - 27, CECC, Changwon, Korea.
Dohyun Park and MinSup Hur, "Raman backscattering amplification in plasma created by neutral gas ", ALTA(2022).
Dohyun Park and MinSup Hur, "Raman backscattering amplification in plasma created by neutral gas ", KPS Spring(2022).
M.S. Hur, “Plasma-based Pulse Compression for post-Exawatt Lasers”, Plenary Talk in KAPRA 2022, 2022. 6. 30 - 7.1, 서울대학교 호암교수회관
Dohyun Park, Hyung Seon Song, Min Sup Hur, "Amplification of Raman backscattering in plasma generated by hydrogen gas", KAPRA(2022).
M.S. Hur, “Plasma-based Photonics and Particle Acceleration”, Tutorial in i-FPC 2022, Aug. 22-26, 2022, Haevichi Hotel, Jeju, Korea. Tutorial material is available on request.
Dohyun Park, Hyung Seon Song, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Raman backscattering amplification in plasma created by hydrogen gas", iFPC(2022).
J. Lee, H. S. Song, D. Park, M. S. Hur, “Simulation study of plasma dipole oscillation applying field ionization effect”, iFPC 2022, Aug. 22-26, Haevichi Hotel, Jeju, Korea.
M.S. Hur, “Laser Pulse Compression in Plasma”, Invited Talk in the 6th AAPPS-DPP, Oct. 9 - 14, 2022. Abstract is available on request.
M.S. Hur, “A New Method of Laser Pulse Compression in Plasma for Next Generation High Power Lasers”, Invited Talk in the 20th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP), Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2022, Hico, GyeongJu, Korea.
Dohyun Park, Hyung Seon Song, Jaeho Lee, Min Sup Hur, "Simulation of Raman backscattering amplification in an ionizing plasma from a hydrogen gas", iCCP(2022).
J. Lee, H. S. Song, D. Park, M. S. Hur, “Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation study of Plasma dipole oscillation (PDO) for realistic configuration”, KPS Fall meeting 2022, Oct. 18-21, BEXCO Convention Hall, Busan, Korea.
J. Lee, H. S. Song, D. Park, M. Kumar and M. S. Hur, “Configuration of plasma dipole using two oblique colliding laser pulses in Helium gas”, 20th ICPP 2022, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, HICO, Gyeongju, Korea.